Paula Gomes Freire (Sócia) escreve um artigo para a publicação “The Global Legal Post” intitulado “Os advogados devem abraçar a AI e deixar de se ver como uma espécie de super-heróis”, no qual afirma estar otimista quanto a um futuro no qual as máquinas conduzam à eficiência empresarial mas que os seres humanos se mantenham no controlo.
“Lawyers are traditionally highly resistant to change and the prevailing view among the most successful is that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. However it has become clear that technology – especially the advent of AI in law – will force us to fix things. If we do not, the system will eventually break.
There will be huge challenges to overcome, but there are also opportunities. I see a future where humans will continue to thrive, despite all the dystopian predictions of a world where people are replaced by machines.”
- Leia aqui artigo.
Leia aqui o livro que Paula Gomes Freire publicou neste âmbito intitulado “Sustainable success, the future of technology, leadership and culture”.