Francisca Paulouro (Of Counsel) e Pedro Fontes (Associado Coordenador) escrevem um artigo para a publicação The Legal 500: Pharmaceutical Advertising Country Comparative Guide. No artigo, em formato de Q&A, os advogados respondem a diversas questões sobre a legislação aplicável em Portugal neste âmbito.
"Advertising of medicinal products in Portugal is mainly governed by Decree Law 176/2006, of 30 August, as amended (the “Medicines Code”). The Medicines Code consolidates the regime applicable to marketing authorisation, manufacture, import, export, marketing, labelling, promotion and pharmacovigilance of medicines, and transposes several directives into Portuguese law, including Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended (the “Directive”) Decree Law 330/90, of 23 October, as amended (“Advertising Code”), establishes the rules applicable to advertising in general, and applies residually to advertising of medicinal products, in matters that are not addressed by the Medicines Code."
Leia aqui o artigo.