Vanda Cascão (Sócia), Marco Caldeira (Associado Coordenador) e Margarida Barahona Pereira (Associada), escrevem um artigo sobre o tema "Green Deal driving Green Public Procurement for data centres, server rooms and cloud services".
"Environmental issues have been gaining increasing importance in the political debate and it seems clear that both public and private entities shall do more to address some of today’s most urgent challenges, such as climate change. As regards the role public entities may assume in this scenario, it has been accepted, at least since the beginning of this century, that public procurement may also be used to pursue environmental (along with purely economic) goals and that, when public entities choose to “buy green”, they lead the whole market to a more sustainable development.
In view of this, the EU Commission has been developing Green Public Procurement criteria to facilitate the inclusion of green requirements in public tender documents. Procuring authorities may choose to include all or only certain requirements in their tender documents, depending on their ambitions. The use of the criteria is voluntary."
Leia o artigo AQUI.