VdA offers information session
VdA together with the Portuguese Foundations Center (Centro Português de Fundações) is organizing an information session on the application of the Framework Law on Foundations to Public Foundations which will be taking place on the 31 May, at 3 p.m. at VdA's premises in Lisbon.
This session follows up a number of information sessions on this subject VdA has been delivering to clients in order to clarify the main changes introduced by the new Law which has come into force last year and takes place at a time when the end of the term given by the Government to Foundations to adapt their statutes to the new regulatory framework is arriving. At this session an assessment will be made regarding the first year of application of the new Law alongside an overview on some of the practical aspects regarding the new rules on Public Foundations, namely in what regards accounting, labour relations and the remuneration statute.
Partners Margarida Couto and Rodrigo Esteves de Oliveira, managing associate Tiago Piló and senior associate Patrícia Sousa Lima will be speakers at the session alongside Mário Curveira Santos from the Portuguese Foundations Center.