The 'Direito das Sociedades em Revista' (Company Law in Review) publication was launched in April 2009. Among other editors, it relies on Paulo Olavo Cunha, along with other distinguished lecturers with recognised intervention in the commercial companies’ area. It is directed by professors Pedro Paes de Vasconcelos and Coutinho de Abreu, who are both from Faculdade de Direito de Coimbra (Faculty of Law of Coimbra) as well as by Rui Pinto Duarte from Universidade Nova (New University).

The article written by Paulo Olavo Cunha, a Lecturer at the Universidade Católica (Portuguese Catholic University), is on the “Designação de Pessoas Colectivas para os Órgãos de Sociedades Anónimas e por quotas” (Designation of Legal Persons for Public Limited and Limited Liability Company Bodies).


"This paper aims to shed some enlightenment over the appointment of legal entities for the corporate bodies of a limited liability company by shares (sociedade anónima) or by quotas (sociedade por quotas), beyond the legal limitations to which this designation is already limited to. It is concluded that such appointment should always be admitted if not statutory or legally forbidden. Nevertheless the legal entity must indicate an individual that will personally assume office in the sole interest of the company which he/she manages or audits. In case of early termination of powers (resignation, removal from office, death, or permanent impediment) of the nominated individual the appointed legal entity will have the power to indicate a substitute."

For more information, please visit the Editora Almeida website.
Contents available only in Portuguese.