For the sixth consecutive year, VdA has improved its Carbon Footprint.
In 2016, VdA’s eco-efficiency levels improved, regarding electricity consumption and waste production. Overall absolute consumption increased, due to the firm’s growth and to the strengthening of its international operations, VdA’s carbon footprint amounted to 838 tCO2e (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent), an increase of 57 t (+7%) in comparison with 2015. Nevertheless, the emissions per employee ratio registered a positive evolution (-4%).
VdA’s emissions per employee remained lower than the average values reported by the Legal Sustainability Alliance’s members, of which the firm is a member since 2011.
This value remains below the average of the members of the Legal Sustainability Alliance (LSA), an international movement of law firms committed to the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices, of which VdA is a member since 2011.
VdA’s 2016 Carbon Footprint Report presents, for the very first time, an annual assessment of the firm’s resource consumption per person and carbon footprint. The Report is available for review in both Portuguese and English.