Fernando Ulrich and Luis Laginha de Sousa at VdA on the 22 November
Fernando Ulrich, CEO at BPI bank and Luis Laginha de Sousa, chairman at NYSE Euronext Lisbon were guest speakers at the Morning Information Session on 'Capital and Liquidity' organized by VdA which was opened by Vasco Vieira de Almeida.
The Information Session took place at VdA's auditorium on the 22 November, between 9.45 a.m. and 1 p.m. and aimed to reevaluate the market as regards the lack of liquidity and the lack of capital, in addition to analyzing the capital generating transactions that were drawn up at the former Information Session in 2011 which aimed at devising ways to capitalize credit institutions and the remaining companies.
Lectures approached issues such as '2012: a year of crisis; a year of offerings'; 'Stock exchange a viable option for the future?'; 'Are public funds necessary to recapitalize? And to obtain liquidity?'; 'Market fright? How to deal with the market's anxieties' and 'Capital and Liquidity'.
The information session also counted with the input from Pedro Cassiano Santos, Paula Gomes Freire, Ana Rita Almeida Campos, Cláudia Cruz Almeida, Hugo Moredo Santos, and José Pedro Fazenda Martins, from VdA's Banking & Finance and Capital Markets practices.