Ana Marta Castro

Ana Marta Castro joined VdA in 2006. She is Partner of the Public Law practice, she has been involved in several transactions, namely in Banking and Finance, Real Estate, Banking Resolution, Privatizations, Defense, Aerospace, Aviation, Energy, Infrastructures, Education, Telecommunications, Health, Transports and Roads. 

In such capacity, she has advised several leading clients, in Portugal and abroad, in the following preferential areas: Administrative Law, Public Procurement, Public Regulation and Administrative Litigation.

Law degree University of Lisbon Faculty of Law.

Post-graduation in Administrative Law, University of Lisbon Faculty of Law.

Post-graduation in Public Procurement Law and Practice, Portuguese Catholic University, Lisbon Faculty of Law.

Before joining the firm she worked as an associate with Mário Esteves de Oliveira and, previously in Rui Pena, Arnaut & Associados.

She has also worked as a Legal Adviser in New York, at the Council of the European Union, Liaison Office (United Nations) and at Human Rights Watch (Advocacy Department), also in New York.

Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association.

English, French.

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