Ana Marta Castro and Marília Frias participated in the Ideia 2024 Conference, an annual conference organised by the Portuguese Navy that took place on March 5th and 6th, under the theme "Artificial Intelligence in Naval Operations".
Marília Frias was a speaker on Panel 1, moderated by Ana Marta Castro, and dedicated to the theme "Legal and Ethical Challenges in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Naval Operations".
During this session, Marília Frias presented and debated the topic of " Proposal for Artificial Intelligence Regulations and Naval Operations".
Ana Marta Castro was a speaker at the 2nd Round Table, dedicated to the theme "Legal and Ethical Challenges: Human-Machine Connection", where she debated the legal and ethical challenges arising from the use of Artificial Intelligence in the context of military conflicts.
The Ideia 2024 Conference took place at the Naval School in Alfeite and the programme can be found here.