Hugo Moredo Santos and Joaquim Pedro Lampreia, VdA’s new partners
In January 2016, VdA increases its number of partners with Hugo Moredo Santos and Joaquim Pedro Lampreia.
Managing partner João Vieira de Almeida states that "these two new partners, who integrate VdA for over a decade, give proof of vitality and sustainability of VdA’s project, because it is with great honour that we are able to count, among peers, with lawyers who have grown within VdA and have a prominent part in the firm’s path."
Hugo Moredo Santos has an extensive experience in Banking & Finance and Capital Markets, advising issuers, offerors, financial intermediaries and national and international investors, particularly in public offerings for acquisition and distribution, issuance and admission of securities and structured finance products, including securitized loans and mortgage bonds, maintaining strong ties with the Angolan market.
Joaquim Pedro Lampreia is recognized for his experience in Tax, where he has been coordinating teams dedicated to national and international tax advisement, to resolution of tax disputes and tax litigation, application of international agreements, implementation and monitoring of projects of transfer pricing, of information and software technologies transactions, as well as the tax treatment of financial derivatives.