The directive, which covers the whole spectrum of banking & finance, was an obvious target for the attention of the department of Banking & Finance, who have already published two articles on the same subject, owing to its irrefutable importance and the impact it will have on the carrying out of the aforementioned activities.
The part of the directive that deals with the arrangements devoted to the Basel Committee accord (Basel II), has already been closely analyzed by Hugo Rosa Ferreira and Hugo Moredo Santos, associates at VdA, in an article published in Global Banking & Financial Policy Review, and also by Pedro Cassiano Santos, partner at VdA, Benedita Lima Aires and Tiago Correia Moreira, associates at VdA, in the Global Report of IFLR, in this last case focusing on the impact from the perspective of Structured Finance.
The impact of Basel II
Authors: Pedro Cassiano Santos, Benedita Lima Aires and Tiago Correia Moreira
Basel II, securitisation and prudential rules - a Portuguese perspective
Authors: Hugo Rosa Ferreira and Hugo Moredo Santos