Paulo Olavo Cunha talks to Diário Económico
Paulo Olavo Cunha, responsible for the Corporate & Governance practice area at Vieira de Almeida & Associados (VdA) and professor of Law at the Catholic University of Lisbon will be coordinating the team nominated to discuss changes to the legal framework of Sport's LLC, announces Diário Económico newspaper in its 30th August edition.
The Deputy Minister for Parliamentary Matters, Miguel Relvas, met on Monday with the Secretary of State for Sports and Youth, Alexandre Mestre, and the President of the Club's league to decide on the creation of three teams to discuss the future of young Portuguese players and of national teams, arbitrators' professionalization and changes to the legal framework of Sports' LLC.
The team that is to discuss changes to the legal framework of Sports' LLC will be led by Paulo Olavo Cunha.
The other two teams will be led respectively by João Leal Amado (arbitrators' professionalization) and José Luis Arnaut (teams and training of Portuguese players).
The three teams have 45 days to present proposals. Portugal's Olympic Committee and the Sports Confederation will also be taking part in the talks as matters to be discussed do not refer only to football.