Further to the 1st Corporate Law Review Congress, which took place in October 2010, in which Paulo Olavo Cunha and Orlando Vogler Guiné were speakers, Almedina bookpublisher has published a book under the same title which includes the texts of all interventions at the congress, including Vieira de Almeida & Associados (VdA)'s lawyers' papers.
Paulo Olavo Cunha is head of VdA's Corporate & Governance area of practice and a professor of Commercial Law and Corporate Law at the Catholic University of Lisbon faculty of Law. His article entitled "The demand for independence and probity to take up public offices" can be found at pages 259-295. Orlando Vogler Guiné is also a lawyer at VdA's Banking & Finance area of practice. His article "Financing companies through hybrid securities (between bonds and stocks)" can be found at pages 75-93.