Paula Gomes Freire is interviewed by Jornal de Negócios in an article that reveals the perspectives of Portuguese economic leaders for the new year.

In the article entitled ‘184 leaders anticipate 2025’, the interviewees project a year marked by high uncertainty, due to ongoing geopolitical tension and political and economic instability in Europe. For Paula Gomes Freire, the already modest prospects for economic growth in Europe are expected to decrease, emphasising the importance of the recommendations of the Draghi Report.

As for Portugal, Paula Gomes Freire anticipates that the country might show a growth rate above the European average, following signs that the government will remain in office for the next year. Potential political stability and the implementation of the current budget indicate that 2025 could be a year in which Portugal continues to attract international investment, favoured by its peripheral and Atlantic location.

These predictions highlight both global challenges and specific opportunities for the country, emphasising the importance of adapting to geopolitical and economic dynamics.

  • The full article can be found here.