Mariana França Gouveia

Joined VdA in 2023. Partner of the Litigation & Arbitration practice.

Her practice focuses on international, commercial and investment arbitration, acting as a lawyer and arbitrator in complex arbitration proceedings with seat in different countries (Angola, Belgium, Brazil, France, Mozambique, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA) and in the most important arbitration institutions (ICC, LCIA, ICSID, CAC-CCIP, CAM - Câmara de Arbitragem do Mercado).

Her areas of expertise include alternative dispute resolution, particularly arbitration and mediation, in addition to civil procedural law.

She is also a recognised lecturer and researcher, holding the position of Full Professor at NOVA School of Law.

Between September 2018 and October 2022, she acted as Dean of NOVA School of Law.

She was also Partner at PLMJ, in its Dispute Resolution team.



Law Degree, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Law.

PhD in Law, with a specialisation in Civil Procedural Law, NOVA School of Law.

She was  Partner at PLMJ, in its Dispute Resolution team.

Mariana França Gouveia has authored several academic works on matters relating to arbitration law, civil procedural law and alternative dispute resolution.

  • Reconhecimento e Execução de Sentenças Arbitrais Estrangeiras, co-authored with Franco Ferrari and Friedrich Rosenfeld, Quartier Latin, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Convenção de Viena sobre Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias, Almedina (Ed.), 2022
  • International Arbitration in Portugal, edited with André Pereira da Fonseca, Dário Moura Vicente, Alexandra Nascimento Correia and Filipe Vaz Pinto, Wolters Kluwer, 2020
  • Arbitration in Portuguese-Speaking Jurisdictions, in International Arbitration Law in Brazil, Oxford University Press, 2020, co-authored with Ana Carolina Dall’Agnol
  • Liability of Arbitral Institutions: A Case Law Overview, in Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, São Paulo, 2019, co-authored with Ana Coimbra Trigo
  • Providências Cautelares sem Contraditório decretadas por Tribunal Arbitral, in Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, 2017 (Ano 14, N. 54), São Paulo, pp. 263-334
  • Curso de Resolução Alternativa de Litígios, Coimbra, Almedina, 2011 (1st edition), 2012 (2nd edition), 2014 (3rd edition)
  • Justiça Económica em Portugal, co-coordinated with Nuno Garoupa, Pedro Magalhães and Jorge Morais Carvalho, Lisbon, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2013


Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association.

Portuguese, English, Spanish.

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