Inês Antas de Barros wrote an opinion article published in the latest February edition of Advocatus magazine.
The article, entitled "The NIS2 Directive: The new cyber resilience landscape", is a reflection exercise on the new directive for "measures to ensure a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (Directive (EU) 2022/2555 - NIS 2)".
For Inês Antas de Barros, "with the approach of a new and demanding legal framework, a complex puzzle of which NIS 2 is just one piece, organisations must begin a (significant) exercise of preparation for this new reality. To this end, it is important to develop or adapt cyber risk management strategies, encompassing the entire cybersecurity ecosystem, in order to identify, manage and reduce legal, technical, operational and business risks - with the buy-in of the respective Board of Directors being essential, as they now have increased responsibilities in this area."
Read the full article here.