Under the protocol between Banco de Cabo Verde/Auditoria Geral do Mercado de Cabo Verde and Instituto dos Valores Mobiliários from Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa an international seminar on "The Information in Capital Markets" will take place in city of Praia, on October 27 and 28.

This seminar will gather, among others, representatives of CMVM (Portugal), CVM (Brazil), CMC (Angola), AGMVM (Cape Verde), stock markets from Mozambique and Cape Verde and of Instituto dos Valores Mobiliários, that will be represented by Pedro Machado and by Hugo Moredo Santos, Banking & Finance and Capital Markets managing associate.

This is the second seminar of this kind organized by Banco de Cabo Verde/Auditoria Geral do Mercado de Cabo Verde and Instituto dos Valores Mobiliários from Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa, having last year's seminar approached the topic "Issuance of securities and Public Offerings in a Time of Crisis".