VdA received for the first time, the "European Court of Justice Firm of the Year Award" at the European Tax Awards, on May 18, in London.
After being the only Portuguese law firm named for 8 categories in the European Tax Awards, VdA received the "European Court of Justice Firm of the Year Award", which awards the most outstanding company at European level in tax litigation cases.
Tiago Marreiros Moreira, Joaquim Pedro Lampreia and Samuel Fernandes de Almeida, partners from the tax team attended the awards ceremony.
This award recognises the most distinguished international firms in the tax area. The tax team sees their work recognised by their legal advice in some of the most relevant international transactions that have taken place in Portugal and the tax litigation that occurs in Portugal and in Europe.
Jornal Económico: VdA premiada nos European Tax Awards
Advocatus: VdA premiada nos European Tax Awards
Advogar: VdA distinguida nos European Tax Awards