For the second year running, VdA has been shortlisted for the prestigious “African Legal Awards”. In the category “Innovation Award” VdA is the only Lisbon-based firm to have been nominated. Among the VdA innovative work that impressed the African Legal Awards jury is the report VdA prepared for the ARCTEL (Association of CPLP Telecom Regulators) titled “Study on Universal Service for Telecommunications in the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries and in Macau, China” which is of interest to more than 270 million potential customers in Africa, South America and Asia.
VdA was also nominated for the principal category “African Network/ Alliance of the Year through its international, Africa-focused network “VdA Legal Partners”. This distinction acknowledges VdA’s rapid international expansion and its presence in a total of 11 countries in the Lusophone region, Francophone Africa plus Equatorial Guinea. VdA was also praised for implementing efficient management processes and technology solutions to support the development of its international practice.
The “African Legal Awards” are hosted by the Legal Week magazine and they recognise every year the exceptional achievements of both international and local firms operating in Africa. The awards ceremony will take place in Johannesburg on September 8, 2017.