VdA hosts an informative session on Non-Performing Loans, where several representatives from various key financial institutions are guest speakers.
The informative session is introduced by João Vieira de Almeida, VdA's managing partner and Pedro Siza Vieira, Portuguese Deputy Prime Minister, is responsible for the closing remarks.
NPLs in the european context, possible solutions through the capital markets, privacy, platforms and professional servicers, are some of the main subjects discussed at the session.
Pedro Cassiano Santos, Paula Gomes Freire, Magda Cocco, Miguel Marques dos Santos, Hugo Moredo Santos (partners) and Tiago Correia Moreira (managing associate) moderate the four panels comprised in the session.
The Informative Session on Non-Performing Loans takes place on February 21st at VdA Auditorium in Lisbon.
Click here for the agenda.