Conceição Gamito, VdA's tax practice managing associate is guest speaker at the VAT Congress 2015, held in Universidade Católica Portuguesa, on June 24. Following the publication of the article "Bitcoins and VAT" article in Cadernos IVA 2015, VdA's lawyer approaches the same theme. Conceição Gamito takes part of the speakers' panel which includes consulting companies, national and multinational companies and business law firms' representatives.
Throughout the congress, themes of more technical and general natures will be analysed, such as the first intervention of the day: "VAT European Agenda in 2015/2016", as for more practical themes as "Companies challenges for 2015/2016", an intervention that will take place at the end of the day. The congress is held between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.