- The African Union Commission inaugurates the African Space Agency
- Djibouti signs memorandum of understanding with Hong Kong to build a spaceport
- Angola authorises the commercialisation of ANGOSAT-2 satellite services through Presidential Order
- Angola inaugurates the Funda satellite mission and control centre
- Angola launches the Drought Decision Support Project, which uses space technology and NASA funding
- Algeria and Italy sign Space Cooperation Agreement
- The European Commission presents its space policy priorities for 2023 at the 15th European Space Conference
- The NIS 2 Directive (on cybersecurity) and the CER Directive (on critical entities resilience) enter into force, applying for the first time to the space sector
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138 laying down a list of specific high-value datasets and the arrangements for their publication and re-use, and which includes Earth observation and environmental data sets, is published
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/66 amending Regulation (EU) 2021/821 as regards the list of dual-use items is published
- European Commission, ESA and Promus Ventures conclude agreement to launch a Space Index on Euronext
- The Council of the European Union issues its draft conclusions on fair and sustainable use of space
- ESA announces goal of adopting a "zero debris" policy
- EU and NATO issue their third Joint Declaration, which mentions cooperation in the space sector
- The signing ceremony for NATO´s Operational Memorandum of Understanding of the Space Centre of Excellence is held in Paris
- The extension of the EU-US Agreement on Galileo and GPS Satellite Navigation Systems is announced
- The Azores 2023 Annual Regional Plan is published, mentioning the space sector
- Santa Maria Space and Technology Centre is launched in the Azores, Portugal
- Sweden inaugurates Spaceport Esrange orbital launch centre
- UK Space Agency announces GBP 50 million funding for innovative satellite communications projects
- The Scotland International Space Advisory Committee (SISAC) is launched in Scotland
- The Canadian Government announces its support for commercial space launches in Canada
- The United States and Japan sign space partnership agreement for cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space
- The United States and India expand bilateral civil space collaboration
- Oman plans to build the Middle East's first launch centre
- Angola launches application to commercialise ANGOSAT-2 capabilities
- Egypt launches the Horus-1 Earth observation satellite
- The European Commission and the European Investment Bank sign agreement worth a total of EUR 4 billion to promote private sector investment in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
- The European Commission puts forward three initiatives for the EU connectivity sector
- The European Commission launches an exploratory consultation on the future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure
- The European Commission publishes the report on the EU Quantum Technologies Flagship Initiative
- The European Parliament approves the draft Regulation establishing the Union's Secure Connectivity Programme (IRIS²) for 2023-2027
- ESA signs cooperation agreement with Mexico
- UK announces funding to develop communications and navigation services for missions to the moon
- Oman publishes its 2023-2033 Space Policy and Executive Programme
- China plans to build ground stations on Antarctica to support satellites
- Angola's National Space Programme Management Office reports on the progress in the commercialisation of ANGOSAT-2
- Angola announces the construction of its first Earth observation satellite, Angeo-1, which will be built by Airbus
- Angola and Japan sign space agreement
- Egypt launches the Horus-2 Earth Observation satellite
- Egypt and Belgium sign a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of outer space exploration and cooperation in space science and satellite development
- Ethiopian Space Science and Geospatial Institute (ESSGI) announces an invitation to tender for competent contractors to procure and launch the Ethiopian High-Resolution Earth Observation Satellite Project (ETRSS-2)
- The International Civil Aviation organisation (ICAO) adopts international standards for Galileo and future Satellite Based Augmentation Systems
- The European Union Council approves draft Regulation establishing the Union's Secure Connectivity Programme (IRIS²) for 2023-2027
- Regulation (EU) 2023/588 establishing the Union's Secure Connectivity Programme for 2023-2027 is published
- Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/598 amending Decision (CFSP) 2021/698 to include the Union's Secure Connectivity Programme, is published
- The European Parliament and the Council issue a joint political statement on the financing of the Union's Secure Connectivity Programme for the period 2023-2027
- The European Commission publishes a call for tender for a concession contract for the implementation of the Union Secure Connectivity Programme
- The European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy present joint Communication on the European Union Space Strategy for Security and Defence
- The European Commission adopts the Digital Europe Programme Work Programme for 2023-2024
- ESA’s High-Level Advisory Group (HLAG) on Human and Robotic Space Exploration for Europe issue Report
- The UK Space Agency announces new funding for space exploration
- U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee goes ahead with five satellite-related bills
- The 2030 Space + Spatial Industry Growth Roadmap is published in Australia
- China reports that it is developing a quantum communications satellite network