Isabel Gião de Andrade is the author of the insight ‘Business and Human Rights: The New Paradigm?’, published by WhatNext.Law.

In this insight, the author explores the growing need for a cultural change in organisations, given the increased awareness of the intersection between business practices and human rights. Isabel Gião de Andrade argues that the European Union is at the forefront of this transformation with a ‘legislative tsunami’ in favour of sustainable and responsible business, highlighting legislation such as Regulation (EU) 2020/852 and Directive (EU) 2022/2464.

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is a central element in this transformation, requiring large companies to integrate human rights considerations into their policies and promote fairness in their chain of activities. In addition, the VdA lawyer points out that although these regulations mainly affect large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are also impacted and must try to adapt in order to fulfil these new requirements.

Isabel Gião de Andrade argues that adopting this business ethic brings competitive advantages, such as brand loyalty, attracting conscious investors and improving corporate reputation, contributing to a fairer and more sustainable development.

  • This insight is available here.

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