Women Leaders in Law - Creating strategies to increase the number of women in leadership to achieve greater gender equality in the legal sector
Isabel Gião de Andrade (partner), Sofia Barata (principal consultant) and Inês Ribera (managing associate) were invited to participate in the “Women Leaders in Law” session, in Oporto, on the 30th October.
This event gathered around 15 women and was led by Christina Blacklaws, president of The Law Society, dedicated to gender equality in law. The main topic was “Creating strategies to increase the number of women in leadership to achieve greater gender equality in the legal sector”, in which strategies to fight gender inequality and increase the number of women leading in the legal sector were debated.
Isabel Gião de Andrade claims that “these forum discussions are important and need to be done. These diversities still exist nowadays and need the involvement of both, women and men, to be demystified”.
Sofia Barata adds that, “There’s no possible explanation for gender inequality. It’s an example of loss of value and talent, that cannot be justified”.