VdA is organising the Webinar "Digital Union - The Digital Consumer - New Rules", in partnership with APDC - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações (Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications), which will take place online on 23 November, between 9.30am and 10.30am, being the third event resulting from the VdA and APDC partnership called "Digital Union".
This Webinar will provide an analysis and debate on the main novelties of the recent legislative package, which will enter into force next year, resulting from the transposition of the Sale of Goods Directive and the Digital Content Directive, namely the provisions of Decree-Law nr. 84/2021, of October 18th, that regulates consumer rights in the purchase and sale of goods and supply of digital content and services.
We will try to obtain answers, among others, to the following questions: how will consumer rights be reinforced? What are the new rules for the supply of digital content and services? What is the impact of this package for businesses? How is e-commerce expected to evolve with the new legal provisions?
Click here for further information.
/// Participation in the Webinar is free of charge; previous registration is required here.