“What will the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) regulation look like in the European Union? How can responsible AI systems be developed and used? Is your AI system in line with the current and future EU legal framework? Were you aware that in September 2022, the European Commission issued two proposals for directives that have a direct impact on AI liability? Supporting the assumption that an AI system causes damage to a consumer: Who bears the liability: the producer or the professional user?
Vieira de Almeida (VdA) and APDC - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações [Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications] (APDC) hold the Webinar dedicated to "Artificial Intelligence", the sixth remote event in the context of a partnership called “Digital Union”.
Brussels advocates that the way AI is approached will define the world we live in in the future so, to help build a resilient Europe for the Digital Decade, people and businesses must be able to enjoy the benefits of AI in a safe and secure fashion. Hence, the European AI Strategy aims to make the EU a world-class centre in this field, ensuring that AI is human-centred and can be trusted.
The issue of AI becomes particularly topical after the European Commission presented two proposals in September 2022 to adapt liability rules to the digital age, the circular economy and the impact of global value chains, bearing in mind the objectives outlined in the White Paper on AI and the Proposal for a Regulation on AI. These are the Proposal for a Directive on IA Liability and the Proposal for the revision of the Directive on Liability for Defective Products.
The aim of this Webinar is to set the scene for the future of AI regulation in the European Union, as well as to analyse how to develop and use responsible AI systems that comply with the current and future EU legal framework.
The Webinar will be held online in english.
// About Digital Union:
An initiative that results from a partnership between VdA and APDC. ‘Union', because it aims to ‘unite’ APDC’s digital business know-how and VdA’s unique mastery of the sector’s many legal complexities, and topics that come together in a single cycle to raise awareness of European Digital policies. The name 'union' also calls to the business union between companies that, although competitors, are united to be part of a leading Digital Europe, which is one of the purposes of both VdA and APDC.
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