Getting the purpose and the strategic goals of the organizations in line with the purpose and well-being of the employees is now a major aspect of the business, in particular for undertakings willing to be governed by ESG criteria. Employee engagement approaches ensure that the business activity is in line with best practices and that the success of undertakings is driven by their employees’ genuine commitment to the corporate purpose. These approaches bring several benefits, greater productivity, loyalty and talent retention high among them.
Decent work for all, with everything it entails, is a global priority of the sustainability strategy according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In fact, Goal 8 of the SDG establishes a direct link between the promotion of safe and innovative workplaces and sustained and inclusive economic growth.
We are keenly aware that social sustainability issues play a vital role in our clients’ business. VdA has therefore developed the necessary expertise to bring these mechanisms to life and advise our clients on their business’s compliance with best practices, national and international laws, and the Principles of the UN Global Compact, which very tellingly dedicate four of their ten principles to the role of employment in sustainability.