Bruno de Zêzere Barradas

Bruno de Zêzere Barradas joined VdA in 2022. He is a senior associate in the Competition & EU practice where he has been actively involved in several cases and transactions in all areas of competition law, in particular in the pharmaceutical, health, energy, public procurement, banking and finance, venture capital, aerospace, commercial and professional services, consumer goods, food and drink industries, with a focus on restrictive practices, merger control as well in the analysis of distribution systems and conduction of competition compliance programs.

Law degree University of Lisbon, Faculty of Law.

Post-graduation in Law & Business, Portuguese Catholic of Law Lisbon and Lisbon School of Business and Economics.

Post-graduation in Competition Law and Regulation, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Law and IDEFF - Institute for Economic, Financial and Tax Law.

Post-graduation in Public Procurement, Portuguese Catholic of Law Lisbon.

Post-graduation EU Competition Law, University of London, King´s College London.

LLM Candidate at King´s College London.

Before joining the firm he worked at Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira as a Principal Associate (2018-2022) and at Abreu Advogados as a Trainee and Associate (2013-2018).

Author of various books and articles namely:

  • Author, “Blockchain and Competition – new horizons and application”, Competition and Regulation Journal, Portuguese Competition Authority, no 33 & 34, 2018.
  • Co-author, “Portugal”, Chambers Global Practice Guides - Cartels 2018;
  • Author, “Public procurement and comeptition law”, Instituto do Conhecimento AB Journal, , year IV, issue 6, Instituto do Conhecimento AB, Almedina, 2017.
  • Co-author, “Decreto-Lei n.º 26/2015, de 6 de Fevereiro – Alterações ao Sistema de recuperação de empresa por via extrajudicial (SIREVE), PER e regime de emissão de obrigações e ações preferenciais previsto no Código das Sociedades Comerciais”, Fórum Jurídico, Instituto do Conhecimento AB, Almedina, 2015.
  • Author, “Decreto-lei n.º 166/2013: Práticas Individuais Restritivas do Comércio”, Fórum Jurídico, Instituto do Conhecimento AB, Almedina, 2014.
  • Co-author, “Lei n.º 1/2014, de 16 Janeiro - – 8ª alteração às medidas de reforço da solidez financeira das instituições de crédito no âmbito da iniciativa para o reforço da estabilidade financeira e da disponibilização de liquidez nos mercados financeiros”, Fórum Jurídico, Instituto do Conhecimento AB, Almedina, 2014. 

Bruno is also author and co-author of various opinion articles, in newspapers and magazines, and participated, as a speaker and member of the organizing committee, in several specialized conferences, namely at an international level.  

Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association.

Member of the Antitrust and T.R.A.D.E. (Trade, Retail, Agency, Distribution, E-Commerce) Commissions of AIJA | International Association of Young Lawyers. 

English, Spanish.

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