VdA is one of the law firms joining, among other 65 companies, the iGen – Forum Organizations for Gender Equality Agreement, in which the signatories compromise themselves in defending the gender equality principles at work, in their professional and personal life and also parental leave.
Various companies in the private and public sector, that represent 2% of the Portuguese GDP, were reunited with the objective of incorporating in their management strategies the clear compromise of equal opportunities and professional promotion.
VdA was represented by Rui Andrade, partner, Tiago Cochofel de Azevedo, managing associate, and Mariana Pinto Ramos, associate, that in name of the firm signed the accession agreement, promoting the already existent culture and pillar of sustainability.
The forum Organizations for Gender Equality – our compromise, created in 2013, is promoted by the Commission for Equality in Labor and Employment and by the member organizations, with a participative methodology.