Américo Oliveira Fragoso is quoted in a news article published by Expresso entitled ‘’Remote work: Non-compliance is increasing, but it's difficult to prove‘’.

In Portugal, the remote work regime is an option adopted by many companies. According to data revealed by Expresso, in the second quarter of the year the country had 1.031 million remote workers, of which 402.9 thousand are in a hybrid regime. Although the remote work regime is legislated and its regulation was even reinforced in 2023 with the revision of the Labour Code, Expresso reveals that cases of non-compliance due to lack of attendance on in-person working days are rising.

Américo Oliveira Fragoso explains that "there are no differences in the worker's duties towards the employer. Whether working remotely or on-site, the employee is obliged to comply with the contract, particularly regarding office attendance.”

However, as the VdA lawyer explains, "although there are many companies moving forward with disciplinary proceedings for non-compliance, proving it is more difficult than in on-site work, especially due to the limitations that the law imposes on the use of mechanisms to check attendance".

  • This news is available here.