Magda Cocco and Rui Gordete Almeida signed the article "Investment and deployment of submarine cables: achieving a friendlier national and European regulatory environment", published by the International Bar Association and released to the members of this organisation.

In this article, the VdA lawyers analyse the regulatory environment for the installation and operation of submarine cables in the European Union, highlighting the importance of creating a favourable scenario for investments in this sector, considered essential for telecommunications infrastructures and data exchange.

The article explores recent initiatives, such as the “Draft BEREC Report on the general authorization and related frameworks for international submarine connectivity” and Order No. 11808/2023, of 22 November 2023, issued by the Portuguese government, which determines a set of actions aimed at simplifying the process of installing submarine cables and associated infrastructure.

Magda Cocco and Rui Gordete Almeida highlight Portugal's strategic position due to its geographical location and maritime territory, key elements that enable the intercontinental connections and facilitate the exchange of information.

  • This article is available here.