Tiago Piló (Managing Associate) and Rui Diniz Miquelis (Associate) wrote an article for Advocatus by ECO entitled "Companies and the costs with teleworking. A different view", in which they develop the Government's understanding in which companies would be obliged to bear the internet and telephone costs of their workers who are teleworking.
"However, in the current legal framework to combat the pandemic, telework was imposed, regardless of the employment relationship, whenever the functions in question allow it, and the worker has the conditions to perform them. In this sense, the recourse to telework general regime norms - which are based on an agreement between the parties - and its application to this mandatory form of distance work is not at all evident, since it is not certain that the exceptional regime of telework, in the context of the COVID -19 disease pandemic, is equivalent to the general regime of telework provided in the Labour Code."
Read the article here.