VdA hosts the event “Agriculture: the driver of a sustainable future”, a day of celebration and discussion regarding the role of the agroindustry in two key topics - (i) the climate challenge and (ii) the food emergency and new consumption trends - which will be moderated, respectively, by Assunção Cristas, head of the environment practice area and the integrated ESG services platform, and Catarina Pinto Correia, partner in the Public Law and Agroindustry practice area. Paula Gomes Freire, VdA Managing Partner, will do the opening remarks of this event.

The Agroindustry - agriculture, agri-food, and agroforestry - has valid and innovative solutions for most global challenges.

VdA understands and knows the industry, is aware of its importance and values its contribution to the world. These reasons led us to double down on our commitment to provide support legal services to the agroindustry.

This event will take place on 21 June 2022 from 5pm to 8pm at the VdA Auditorium.

Click here for further information.