VdA, together with the European Space Agency, GMV and Guardtime, hosts the webinar on “Distributed Ledger Technologies for SatCom: Opportunities for Technical and Business Integration”.

The webinar is part of the activities carried under the BlockSatCom project for the European Space Agency, wishing to explore ways to leverage the benefits of the convergence between DLT and SatCom systems. The webinar will have two main sections on how SatCom can benefit from DLT and on how DLT can benefit from SatCom. In both, several use cases will be presented for discussion: in Section 1, DLT use for spectrum management, frequency interference, space situational awareness and tokenisation of SatCom-related assets and, in Section 2, use of SatCom for ledger delivery, ledger fingerprint broadcast and proof of location.

The Webinar “Distributed Ledger Technologies for SatCom: Opportunities for Technical and Business Integration” takes place on 25 November 10 a.m.