Paula Gomes Freire, Fernando Resina da Silva and Joaquim Pedro Lampreia (Partners) participate as speakers at the 10th National Meeting of Portuguese Law Firms, promoted by ASAP, which has as its main theme "Corporate Law Practice in the Post-Pandemic".
Fernando Resina da Silva participates in the 2nd panel discussing the topic "New Technologies at the Service of Law Practice 4.0" and Joaquim Pedro Lampreia in the 3rd panel entitled "Rethinking the Tax Regime of Law Firms".
Paula Gomes Freire, in her capacity as future Managing Partner of VdA, participates in the panel that brings together the Managing Partners of other Portuguese law firms to discuss the topic "Managing a Law Firm in the Post-Pandemic".
This event takes place on 15 October at Centro Cultural de Belém.
Check here the programme.