The Center for Responsible Business & Leadership, of the Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, launches the Pact for Mental Health in Workplaces, the first global pact designed to promote and accelerate the improvement of mental health in the workplace.
João Vieira de Almeida (Senior Partner) participates in the launch of this pact as a speaker of the "Leadership Talks" panel, where he debates the main challenges to be faced in this context, together with Gonçalo Quadros, Critical Software's chairman, João Bento, CTT- Correios de Portugal's CEO and Sílvia Barata, BP Portugal's CEO.
"It is critical that organisations become aware that Mental Health is a fundamental dimension of our individual and collective existence and understand the importance of their role in this huge societal challenge."
This Pact that challenges organisations to assume their responsibility in adopting measures to mitigate the problems posed by the fragility of mental health in work environments, aims to stimulate practices in the Portuguese business fabric, creating a context more conducive to the promotion of mental wellbeing and promoting social innovation around this theme, in alignment with public and social sector policies.
The event will take place at Museu do Oriente, on November 8, between 4.30pm and 7pm.