Vieira de Almeida & Associados (VdA) will be hosting a meeting on the impact of the measures concerning renewable energy feed-in tariffs in Portugal arising from the National Program MoU executed with the IMF and the ECB.
The session will take place at VdA's premises on the 1st June, at 9.30 a.m. and will be hosted by VdA's Projects - Infra-Structure, Energy & Natural Resources practice area, Vanda Cascão being responsible for the introductory notes. António García Méndez, from Banco Santander will be giving an overall view of the situation in Spain and Rodrigo Esteves de Oliveira will be approaching some of the legal aspects concerning tariffs revision. A debate will then follow with the input of Aníbal Fernandes, from ENEOP, Ségio Monteiro, from Caixa BI, Tiago Martins, from KPMG and Tiago Rodrigues from Iberwind. Manuel Protásio will be moderating the discussion.
The aim of the debate is to provide an informal discussion on one of the major issues arising from the application of the National Program's measures.