Chambers & Partners
The data economy has become increasingly relevant in all sectors of the economy. Organisations are keen to explore the potential of data, which is being collected and processed at an unprecedented rate, promoting the creation of disruptive products and innovative services, alongside new forms of development of know-how and added value to company assets.
The successful adoption of risk management structures and methodologies that do not negatively impact data’s tremendous value requires a holistic perspective on these increasingly relevant issues.
Growing digitalisation presents organisations with complex cybersecurity challenges. Compliance requirements in this field have been intensified, imposing measures on organisations to ensure that they are equipped to handle these risks and demanding the attention and involvement of top management, which may be seriously compromised in case of a cyberattack.
VdA has an inside industry perspective that is vital to understanding the dynamic challenges presented by the data economy and cybersecurity, which impact on the business of every client across all sectors: financial, insurance, health, media and telecommunications, information technologies, among others.
VdA advises public and private entities operating in Portugal and other jurisdictions, mainly Lusophone countries, on the development of compliance and governance strategies specifically tailored to their organisation.
We cultivate close relationships with our clients, sharing our know-how and experience with the aim of reinforcing their internal competencies in the data protection and privacy field.
We believe that the definition and implementation of an effective compliance strategy helps generate business benefits, notably a privacy dividend.