Who's Who Legal directory recently released it's 2021 results for the Business Crime Defence e Fintech & Blockchain categories, the result of an analysis of the leading lawyers around the world who work in this field of the law.
In the category of "Business Crime Defence", VdA was distinguished with the nominations of João Medeiros and Sofia Ribeiro Branco in "Business Crime Defence - Corporates". In "Business Crime Defence - Individuals", Partner João Medeiros is the appointed VdA lawyer, also being distinguished in the category of "Thought Leaders".
In “Blockchain”, VdA counts with Fernando Resina da Silva and Tiago Correia Moreira, the latter who is also highlighted in "Fintech".
VdA is recognised within this international ranking which nominates the best lawyers in their practice area, through client and lawyer recommendations.
Please visit Awards & Rankings for further information.