Paula Gomes Freire (Managing Partner) is quoted in the Who's Who in the Law Market yearbook, published by Jornal Económico, in an article in which the leaders of several law firms answer the question "What is your forecast for the law market in 2023?".

On the upcoming year and the great changes that lie ahead, the Managing Partner says that "Despite the context of uncertainty and the impacts of the war in Ukraine on the European economy, my expectation for the law market in 2023 is that it will remain very competitive and dynamic in the segment in which we are positioned. And to expect that, even in a potential recession, very interesting levels of economic activity will be maintained, since inflation will continue to put pressure on liquidity and force its application in assets less exposed to its corrosive effects. It is therefore natural that our clients' activity will remain focused on investment opportunities - a trend we already saw in 2022 - and that acquisition and concentration operations will arise, both of a strategic and more opportunistic nature. The tremendous market volatility we have seen, caused by inflation and sudden interest rate hikes, will tend to favor investment grade targets and accelerate investment in assets and companies that integrate and meet ESG metrics. The capacity to attract and retain talent will also be at the top of the agenda, so I anticipate a (very positive and more widespread) growing concern with people and the development of their potential. More than ever it will be critical to foster a demanding, high performance culture in a safe, positive, supportive, fair and inclusive environment to ensure that the relationships of trust and cooperation that generate engagement and a sense of belonging and allow us to better meet the challenges of the future and our clients are established."

Read the article here.