The new episode of the podcast "A quem de Direito", a partnership between VdA and Jornal Económico (JE), is now available. Entitled "Governance and the serious challenges it presents to companies", the episode features Miguel Ventura, who discusses the main obstacles that governance imposes on organisations.
In this third episode, Miguel Ventura explains the role that governance plays in the functioning of companies, and how this form of action directly affects an organisation. Just as people are a structural part of a company, governance also plays a crucial role in the functioning of an organisation. "People can fail (...), but processes work in parallel, helping to minimise operating risks", says Miguel Ventura.
The episode also addresses topics such as the main regulatory challenges in this area, the integration of the governance culture in a company, and its role as a vector for the environment and sustainability.
The podcast "A quem de Direito" is promoted by VdA in partnership with Jornal Económico (JE). Each episode will cover topics such as agribusiness, governance, capital markets and Artificial Intelligence.
- Listen to this episode here.