The XXVIII FIDE Congress 2018 will be held between 23 and 26 May 2018 in the Estoril Congress Center.

One of the major, most prestigious events on European law, the FIDE Congress is a privileged forum to reflect on and discuss European legislation and policy. This year the main focus will be on recent legislative and policy developments and the enforcement of recent law by the Union and the national courts.

Over two and a half days, the three following topics will be discussed at length:

“The internal market and the digital economy; Taxation”, “State aid and distortions of competition”; and “The external dimension of the EU policies”.

Magda Cocco (partner), will be attending the Congress as National Rapporteur for the first topic. Nuno Ruiz (partner), as member of the APDE’s Governing Board, and Margarida Sameiro (coordinator), Piedade Castro e Sousa (associate) and Teresa Côrte-Real (project manager), as members of APDE’s Executive Committee, have been directly involved in the organization of this event since 2016, which is also sponsored by VdA.

Click here for the program.

For more information on the Congress, please visit