VdA hosts a Conference on the Privatisations Programme 2019-2022, at EPIC Sana Luanda Hotel on October 10.

The context and expectations for the privatisations programme will be discussed. A macroeconomic framework and its effect in the economy will be presented, as well as a compare between privatisation cases in a legal viewpoint, and a debate on investment attraction and crucial factors for success in a financial outlook.

António Penelas (VdA Legal Partners) does the opening statement for this conference.

Paulo Trindade Costa (partner) moderates the debate on “The Privatization Model and Comparative Cases: legal perspective”, panel in which Jorge Bleck (partner) participates as well.

The debate on “Investment Attraction – Key factors of success: financial perspective” is moderated by Hugo Moredo Santos (partner).

Paulo Trindade Costa closes the session for the Conference “Privatizations: Opportunities and Challenges”.

For registration and more information send an e-mail to conferencias@vda.pt.