António Magalhães Cardoso, senior partner responsible for VdA's Intelectual Property practice, elected as Concórdia - Centro de Conciliação e Mediação de Conflitos (Concórdia - Conciliation and Mediation of Disputes Centre) new member of the executive council in general assembly.
Concórdia, a non-profit association whose aim is "to promote Conciliation and Mediation of Disputes Centres and other alternative ways of dispute resolutions", will be launched December 3, 2014.
António Magalhães Cardoso will integrate the list of arbitrators along with three other VdA lawyers: Frederico Gonçalves Pereira, Miguel Pinto Cardoso e Carla Gonçalves Borges.
- Nasce um novo centro de arbitragem - Advocatus
- Concórdia elege órgãos sociais - Advocatus
- Centro de arbitragem concórdia lançado oficialmente no dia 3 - Diário Económico
- Associação Concórdia cria centro de mediação de conflitos e arbitragem - Jornal de Negócios
To know more of the association click here.
To consulte the event program click here.