On 6
th July 2007 in Funchal, Madeira,
Pedro Simões Coelho and
Ana Maria Ramos participated as speakers in a seminar organized by VdA dedicated to the topic “The New Urban Rents Regime and Real Estate Investment Funds”, which took place at the Museum of Electricity.
Before an audience packed with professionals linked to this sector, Pedro Simões Coelho explained the nature of Real Estate Investment Funds, how they operate and how best to make a profit from real estate assets, whilst Ana Maria Ramos presented details about the new Urban Rents Regime.
Before an audience packed with professionals linked to this sector, Pedro Simões Coelho explained the nature of Real Estate Investment Funds, how they operate and how best to make a profit from real estate assets, whilst Ana Maria Ramos presented details about the new Urban Rents Regime.