Tiago Marreiros Moreira, head partner of the Portuguese law firm Vieira de Almeida & Associados Tax practice was elected in the 58 annual Congress of the International Union of Lawyers (UIA), which took place in Florence between October 29 and November 2, President of the UIA Management of Law Firms Commission.
UIA is one of the most relevant international organizations of lawyers currently gathering more than 2,000 individual members and 200 bar associations, federations and professional associations from over 110 countries. In addition to conducting numerous seminars and training sessions all over the world during the current year, UIA will have its next annual congress between October 28 and November 1, 2015 in Valencia.
- For more information, please visit UIA website.
- Advocatus - Tiago Marreiros Moreira preside a Comissão da UIA
- Jornal de Negócios - Tiago Marreiros Moreira é novo líder de comissão na união de advogados