On the 16th and 17th of March Vieira de Almeida is going to participate in a session on ‘Document Outsourcing’ at the invitation of Xerox Portugal.

VdA will be represented by Catarina Mascarenhas (senior associate from the Telecoms & Information Technologies area) and Catarina Belim (associate from the Tax area), who are going to examine the legal framework for electronic documents, with a particular focus on tax structure as they apply to electronic billing.

Document Outsourcing is a service that is beginning to consume a significant proportion of companies’ annual income and for which studies indicate that there is room for greater efficiency and reduced costs. Electronic commerce, with its increasing tendency to replace paper documents with electronic ones and the subsequent need to implement electronic processes for document creation, storage and logistics, has a number of implications on the legal side that companies should be taking into account when making the decision to dematerialise.