The Industrial Association of Minho (Associação Industrial do Minho - AIM) and the Commercial Association of Braga (Associação Comercial de Braga -ACB) are organizing a joint conference with VdA on the 19th July, between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the ACB's premises. The subject will be "Market and Competition. What's new on competition rules and regulations? What happens to companies?".
During the session speakers will approach the changes in the new competition law, with a special focus on what regards relations between companies, namely issues regarding companies' agreements, commercial policies, information exchange and cartels, as well as power relations in the market with a focus on abuse of economic dependence and of dominant position.
At the second part of the session lectures will analyse the supervisory measures, the Competition Authority's powers of inspection and the sanctioning regime applicable to anti-competitive practices and behavior.
Finnally speakers will approach what reaction and defense mechanisms there are at the disposal of companies whenever breach of competition rules takes place by other market operators.
Lecturing at the conference will be Nuno Ruiz and Miguel Mendes Pereira, partners of VdA's Competition & EU area of practice and Isabel Gião de Andrade, partner heading VdA's Porto office all from the Competition area of practice.