Vieira de Almeida & Associados (VdA) presented one of the first case studies resulting from AÇÃO 7 - Demonstrar o valor gerado por projetos de eficiência energética (Action 7 - Demonstrating the value generated by energy efficiency projects), an initiative of BCSD Portugal.

AÇÃO 7 integrates AÇÃO 2020, a project set up by the companies of BCSD Portugal in 2013, which includes VdA, aiming to produce concrete and shared solutions for the development priorities of corporations and the country itself by 2020.
The goal of AÇÃO 7 is to identify the blockades to energy efficiency and how BCSD Portugal member companies are sidetracking them.

VdA's case study, developed by its Green Project "Projeto Verde" (an internal initiative of eco-efficiency, sustainable development and environmental responsibility), highlights as most significant results (i) the reduction of energy consumption, (ii) the control of energy billing, ( iii) the internal awareness regarding energy efficiency, and (iv) the reduction of VdA's carbon footprint.

João Vieira de Almeida, VdA's managing partner, points out that, in addition to reducing costs, a greater energy efficiency reflects the sense of responsibility of the firm's employees as members of the community, which "serves as a distinctive factor in the external sphere and as an aggregator internally".

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