André Proença in the Organizing Committee of the Annual Meeting on Administrative Process
The 4th REAJA - Reunião Anual da Justiça Administrativa meeting will be taking place on the 26th September, at 9.30 a.m at Auditório da Ordem dos Engenheiros, in Lisbon, and it will be dedicate to the theme "ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE: a case of success or failure?"
André Proença, managing associate at VdA in the Public Law practice, is a member of the Organizing Committee of the 4th REAJA.
In Panel I "Positive Aspects of Administrative Justice" will be conducted by a Judge, the a Republic Prosecutor and the several lawyers, with the discussion moderated a Prof. Doctor; in the Panel II 'Negative Aspects of Administrative Justice' as will feature as speakers a Judge, the a Republic Prosecutor and several lawyers, the debate will be moderated by a Prof. Doctor.
At the Opening Session will attend the President of the Supreme Administrative Court, the Prosecutor General of the Republic, and the by the President of the Portuguese Bar Association.
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